Pursuing excellence in the heart of the Green Mountains

Our purpose

The Craftsbury Green Racing Project fills the gap that exists after collegiate athletics and before international competition for the outdoor, endurance sports of biathlon, nordic skiing, running, and rowing.

Our vision

The Craftsbury Green Racing Project will blend the uncompromising ideals of peak athletic performance with the conscientious values of being part of a larger community and cause.  Craftsbury Green Racing Project athletes will be some of the best athletes in the world who also understand their impact in both the community around them and their physical environment.


Our mission

The Craftsbury Green Racing Project is a year-round, multi-sport team at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center that provides athletes with a balance between top tier training and a supportive community. Members of the Green Racing Project work to reach their fullest potential in their respective sport, develop as members of a sustainable community, and uphold the mission of the Craftsbury Outdoor Center.

Our Values



A GRP athlete sees what needs to be done before being told what needs to be done.



A GRP athlete is optimistically determined. GRP athletes have a constant focus to better themselves and the world around them. 



A GRP athlete possesses the humility to recognize the larger picture even as he or she pursues something very passionately on his or her own. A GRP athlete is aware of his or her effect on the environment, respects his or her teammates, demonstrates sportsmanship with his or her opponents, and finds ways to support the community that supports him or her.



A GRP athlete utilizes communication in order to cultivate relationships that further progress and development in his or her training, community, and work.


A GRP athlete is open to growth, varying viewpoints, challenges, the pursuit of excellence, and the support of others.


GRP athletes engage with being environmentally green as they blend the explicitness of their athletic goals with the broader understanding of the ecosystem they work within.


Follow our journey

Ready to take the next step? Check out our frequently asked questions and application requirements.

Row | Snow | Run | U23